When your car jolts as you accelerate, it could be due to a problem with the transmission. The transmission is responsible for shifting gears and transferring power from the engine to the wheels. If there is an issue with the transmission, such as low fluid levels or worn-out parts, it can cause the car to Jolt When Accelerating.
A more common problem is worn or broken Motor Mounts. The job of the Motor Mount is to securely locate the engine to the Car Frame. The Engine is the power pack. When you accelerate the power Pack and take off, the engine will lift and push out of the car if not for the Motor Mounts. They hold the engine inside the engine compartment. With worn or broken Mounts, a harsh jolt will be felt when taking off. When we test for this, we put the Transmission in drive, push the Brake Pedal down, and accelerate the engine. A second technician will be watching inside the Engine Compartment. He will see the engine jump up and down while inspecting each Mount.
We usually start seeing broken Motor Mounts after 90,000 miles. The rubber, over the years, fatigues and tears. When this occurs, the mounts need to be replaced. If you ever feel a Jolt When Accelerating, contact your Auto Repair Shop and have a Certified Mechanic check it out.