


Why My Tire Light is on and why is it blinking?

A blinking Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) light typically indicates an issue with the system itself, rather than just low Tire pressure.

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Why Does My Tire Have a Bump

Have you ever walked around your Car and while kicking the tires, notice one of your tires has one or several bumps?  Why Does My Tire Have a Bump?  There are two types of Bumps that occur on a tire.  The first bump is the Sidewall Splice.  This is normal in the construction of the [...]

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Why is it Important to Maintain Your Transmission

It is very important to maintain the Fluid in your Transmission.  We all want our transmissions to work well and last a long time.  It is as important as changing the oil in your engine. Here are some key reasons why Transmission Fluid Maintenance is so important: Proper lubrication reduces friction.  It also reduces wear […]

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Why is Alignment so Important?

Why is Alignment so Important? In the world of cars, Alignment refers to how your Wheels are positioned in relation to each other and the road.  Imagine your Tires are like your feet. If they're not pointed straight ahead, you're going to have a tough time walking in a straight line!  Car Alignment is similar. [...]

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Why Do My Tires Keep Losing Air

We have a lot of clients asking us, “Why Do My Tires Keep Losing Air”.  There are several reasons for this. 1)    The Tire has a puncture.  Tire Punctures range from nails, screws, bolts, metal shards and broken glass. When debris is found to be causing a leaking tire, we remove the tire and Patch [...]

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Selecting Tires: GOOD – BETTER – BEST

There are a lot of Tire Brands to choose from when purchasing a set of tires.  We prefer to quote Tires on 3 levels.  Our 3 Tire levels are Good, Better, and Best.  There are 3 things that differentiate the levels. Mileage Rating: A better quality tire will have a higher mileage rating and will [...]

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