Cobb Tire and Auto Repair in Greenville SC 29615
By Alicia Lewis. Service Advisor at Cobb Tire and Auto Repair.
The Check Engine Light on your dashboard is there to alert you to a potential problem with your car’s Engine. While it is normal to feel worried when you see it appear, it does not always mean that your car is about to break down. However, if that light starts to blink instead of remaining steady, you should take immediate action. In this blog post, we will cover what it can mean when your check engine light blinks and why you should not ignore it.

Diagnose Check Engine Light Cobb Tire and Auto Repair Greenville SC 29615
What is a blinking Check Engine Light?
A blinking Check Engine Light is a warning sign that indicates a severe issue with your engine that demands attention. When that light flashes on and off, it means that your engine is misfiring or has a failure that could cause damage if you continue driving. Your car’s Computer System immediately switches to emergency operating mode, restricting your engine’s performance to avoid further damage. It is not safe to drive with a Blinking Check Engine Light, and you should pull over to a safe spot and turn off your vehicle.

Check Engine Light is On Cobb Tire and Auto Repair Greenville SC 29615
What can cause a Blinking Check Engine Light?
Several problems could cause your Check Engine Light to blink, including a malfunctioning Ignition System, damaged Spark Plugs, or Failing Fuel Injectors. However, it is essential to note that there could be various underlying issues with your vehicle, from minor to severe, that could trigger that warning light. It is vital to have your vehicle professionally Diagnosed from a trusted Mechanic to prevent potential Engine Damage or costly repairs down the line.

Engine Diagnosis Check Engine Light Cobb Tire and Auto Repair Greenville SC 29615
What should I do if my Check Engine Light is blinking?
If your Check Engine Light is blinking, the best course of action is to pull over to a safe spot and turn off your car. Remove any unnecessary equipment or loads. Then, call a Certified Mechanic for advice or have your Car Towed to a garage. Do not attempt to continue driving, even if you notice no apparent issues with your car’s performance. Ignoring a blinking Check Engine Light will only cause more damage.
The Check Engine Light blink is a warning that you should not ignore, as it indicates a severe issue with your car’s Engine. When ignored, it could lead to more severe and costly repairs or even cause a safety hazard. Upon seeing the blinking warning, pull over to a safe spot, and have a professional look at your vehicle. Knowing what causes the warning and how to address it promptly will prevent any additional damage to your car and ensure that you stay safe while on the road.

Check Engine Light On Cobb Tire and Auto Repair Greenville SC 29615